Do you want to reach Madonna di Campiglio from Verona in the shortest
possible time and with the
maximum comfort?
Bucella Viaggi is the best solution for
reaching Madonna di Campiglio from Verona.
Compared to regular buses and trains, with our Private Transfers, you decide the departure
time and save up to
50% on travel time.
To reach Madonna di Campiglio, the most convenient solution is to arrive at
Verona airport (VRN) and from
book a Private Transfer.
The shortest and fastest way to reach
Madonna di Campiglio from Verona
is via the A22 and then, depending on traffic, the SS240 via Lake Garda, or the SS245 via Trento. In about 2 hour
and 30 minutes (165 km) you will be at your destination.
We organise transfers for individuals and groups of up to 50
people with standard or luxury
vehicles. Just contact us now for all the
Professional and friendly
We booked by email. They were friendly and professional. I felt safe and the vehicle was very comfortable. They waited as one of our bags got lost in transit so we had to fill out paperwork and so come through customs late.
Highly recommended taxi company!
Bucelli Viaggi is definitely a highly recommended cab company. I communicated directly with the owner Antonella who was helpful, kind and very professional. She communicated with me in English to make everything easier and the transfer from Bergamo to Madonna Di Campiglio was super excellent. This is a family run company and they do their job with passion and I will definitely continue to use their services and without hesitation recommend such a great cab company to others!